Tree Swing Installation

Tree Swing Installation in Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 

Tree swing requests have skyrocketed and because tree swing installations are a side job for me, I am having a hard time keeping up with demand. If you are in Durham, Orange or Alamance Counties I encourage you to reach out to me by email ([email protected]) with the understanding that, due to demand, I will need to add your name to a waitlist.  At this time I am only adding people to the waitlist if they are in these 3 counties.  

I'll keep you updated as your name moves up the list. My promise to all my customers is that I will spend as much time as needed on your swing to ensure that you will be happy with it for many years to come.  For that reason, I can not predict how fast I can make my way through the waitlist.

Currently, there are about 12 people on the waitlist and I can install about 4 swings per month if the weather cooperates.  Thank you for your understanding!

The video above describes just about everything you need to 
know about my custom tree swing options and services.

Tree swings are the perfect addition to your idyllic yard, farm, or woodlot and can be enjoyed by young and old. Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in a custom tree swing installation or if you need repairs/upkeep done to an existing swing.  The higher the better for a tree swing anchor point and no adequate limb is too high for this service.  I install and service tree swings in Durham, Orange, and Alamance Counties in North Carolina.  I've installed over 500 swings since 2015!

What makes a great swing?

First of all, a great tree swing is a safe tree swing!  Safety is the foremost consideration before, during, and after any tree swing installation.

Safety considerations aside, every person's opinion of the ideal tree swing can be different, but in my opinion a great tree swing is one that has a long swing arc unimpeded by lower branches.  A swing with a really long arc is hard to "pump" on so it is advantageous if your swing is on a hill so that you can start your ride from an elevated area. (There is more on pumping a tall tree swing below.)

Some people prefer a two-rope swing like the one pictured above.  For this kind of swing it is important to find a horizontal limb on which to affix the ropes.  If the limb is not horizontal, the two ropes will be different lengths and the seat will twist at either end of the swing arc.

Some people prefer, or some trees are best suited to, a single-rope swing (like the image to the right).  With these kinds of swings the rope can be secured on any sturdy limb whether it is horizontal or not.  One thing to keep in mind with single-rope swings is that the swinger can move 3-dimensionally - not just forward and backward. This means a single-rope swing has to be a greater distance from the trunk to minimize the chance of a trunk collision.

What kinds of swings do you install?
I install and service single- and double-rope swings as well as "Y" and "V" shaped swings that are suspended between two tall trees.  Another popular swing configuration is the Swurfer swing installed on a cable between two trees.

I specialize in very tall tree swing installations (ropes 30-60 feet long) that are out of the range of most ladders.  I can safely install or service swings that are on limbs up to 100 feet tall.  Click here for a video playlist of some of my recent swing installations.

How do you install the swing hardware?
A video is worth a 1000 words.  Check out this narrated video of a 30-foot-high, single-rope tree swing installation.

In short, I climb the tree using technical tree climbing gear that won't harm your tree.  For the safety and longevity of the swing, the tree, and the swing users, the best way to install swing hardware is to:
  1. Drill a hole (or two for a double rope swing) through a sturdy limb high in the tree at least 8 inches in diameter.
  2. Insert a galvanized, forged, shoulder eye bolt through the hole and secure it with galvanized dock washers, and locking nuts.  I cold weld the threads of the nuts above the limb so that they will never loosen.
  3. I use 12-strand, solid-braid, polyester rope for the swings I install.  I have researched dozens of kinds of rope and settled on this variety based on all the qualities that are needed for a tree swing.  The rope has a breaking strength of thousands of pounds and very low elasticity. It is not affected by rain, and it is highly UV, mildew, and mold resistant.   I splice the rope around a galvanized thimble and then connect the rope to the eye bolt with an anchor shackle (see video above).

It may seem like drilling a hole (or two) through the tree limb that is going to hold the swing is a bad idea, but if the limb is healthy a small hole will not weaken the limb whatsoever.  In a short amount of time the tree will seal the wound making the system even stronger.  The alternative means for hanging a tree swing - tying a rope or webbing around the limb - can actually be much worse for the limb since it can girdle the limb and prevent it from growing thicker.  The main reason that I will not install tree swings by tying ropes around the limb is that there are too many ways that a rope in that configuration can deteriorate and fail without anyone from the ground ever noticing.

What about the swing seat?
There are tons of options for the fun end of your tree swing.  There are the traditional disc seats and plank seats, but there are also hammock chairs, tire swings, egg shaped suspended chairs, and even chairs intended for toddles.  There are lots of great options online including:
Can't choose just one seat option? Do you want a different seat for the playful kids and another for the adults who want to read in the cool breeze?  No problem!  I can splice a coupling into the rope near ground level so that every family member can clip in their favorite seat and enjoy the swing however they want to.

How long will a good quality tree swing last?
A well-installed tree swing requires very little maintenance and high quality ropes and hardware like I use can easily last for 10 years or more.  Usually the swing seat itself needs to be replaced first at around 5 years depending on the swing seat and how it is used.

How can I know if my tree is a good candidate for a tree swing?
I provide free on-site consultations in Orange, Durham, and Alamance Counties of NC. 

Aren't tree swings dangerous?
Tree swings certainly can be dangerous - just like most everything else worth doing.  I suggest supervising children when they are using the tree swing.  If you are interested, I can install a locking mechanism so that the swing can't be used by unauthorized swingers.  

With a little instruction from me on how to perform periodic visual inspections of the tree and the tree swing system, and with a healthy dose of common sense by all users, a tree swing can be very safe and provide years of outdoor enjoyment and life-long memories.  Due to the unpredictability of tree structures and human judgment, homeowners must sign a liability waiver before I will install a tree swing on their property.  

How much does a custom-installed tree swing cost?
Hardware appropriate for a safe and maintenance free tree swing isn't cheap and can't be purchased at the local home improvement store.  Rigging hardware, ropes, and a good quality swing seat usually add up to $250-300.  My charge for labor, expertise, splicing, gear, etc is $250-275 for most swings.  As a Certified Arborist I can safely remove interfering limbs and trees as well as prune dead wood above the swing arc that might fall on swingers.  These services cost extra if required.

Do you install swings outside of North Carolina?

It's very gratifying when I get requests from all over North America to install tree swings, but unfortunately I often have to say no to people who are not in Durham, Orange, or Alamance Counties of NC. 

If you are outside of this area, you can look up certified arborists by Zip Code at You may need to make a few calls before you find someone who shares your vision for an awesome tree swing.

Do you sell swing kits or hardware?
No I don't but if you would like a parts lists with links for the materials I use check out this link:

Do you provide a warranty on installed tree swings?

Yes, all tree swings I install come with a one-year warranty on all purchased parts and hardware.  The swing seat is covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

Since trees are living organisms prone to disease and accident, the 1 year warranty does not apply to tree damage.  Outside of the warranty window, I can check on the safety of your tree and tree swing system for a fee depending on whether a climb is required and whether any modifications or replacements are needed.

If you are interested in a free consultation regarding a tree swing installation on your property please contact me by email ([email protected]) or phone (919.928.4230).

Why is it hard to pump on a really tall tree swing?
When you pump on a playground swing you are building up potential energy at one end of the swing arc and transferring it to kinetic energy (or speed) at the other end as you stretch out your legs and pull down on the ropes.  Swings are a type of pendulum controlled by natural laws of physics. When you pump, your body movements are altering the effective length of the pendulum, which enables you to pump yourself higher and higher.

The shorter the swing ropes, the greater the effect your motions will have on the effective length of the pendulum.  The opposite is also true: the longer the rope, the smaller the effect your pumping actions will have on the effective length of the pendulum.  With a rope swing anchored 30 or more feet above ground, pumping will have very little effect and other factors like friction and wind resistance will be the predominant forces.  As with all things in life, there is balance, and in my opinion the pros of a properly installed epically tall tree swing far outweigh the inability to pump.

One exception to the pumping issues listed above is that the Swurfer stand up swing can be pumped into an oval swing path even when it is anchored 30 feet high. 

Scroll through the pictures below for lots of tree swing inspiration!  To watch the video clips go to this shared album: 

If you are interested in a consultation regarding a tree swing installation on your property please contact me by email ([email protected]) or phone (919.928.4230).